Have fun while eating a little extra greens for Easter, with this DIY Edible Grass made from coconut and spinach. This homemade grass is super easy and is naturally gluten free, dye free and Vegan.
My love affair with all things spinach continues… Sorry about that. You totally thought I was done with it, right? Well, I just happened to freeze some leftover spinach puree and thought it would great for it some natural Easter recipes. #sorrynotsorry
Coconut has always been a great texture to really add the grass and 3-D effects. What’s super cool about it, is there are so many more stores carrying the different types of coconut like unsweetend, roasted and dried slices. Costco has huge bags of the dried slices which I’ve been packing in Sir’s lunch for the past few months.
I don’t know about you, but year after year I’ve been buying the fake grass with tons of guilt! I hate how the plastic is used so shortly and can be a choking hazard for small kids and animals. The paper grass is definety better but still…
I saw there an edible grass on Pinterest that you can buy in stores. I don’t know the actual ingredients but it says something about wafer candy. Wafer probably means wheat…
What better than to create a natural grass you can eat? (without fake dye too.) It won’t clog landfills or take energy to be recycled. Instead, it will be happily eaten. 🙂 I haven’t shown the kids this yet but I’m planning on serving them ‘grass’ for an after meal treat.
Stay tuned for all the fun things I have planned for other Easter treats. You can see I’ve got my Chubby Bunnies coming up as well as some Birds Nests with more DIY eggs.
DIY Edible Easter Grass
Author Laura @ Petite Allergy Treats
- 2 cups shredded sweetened cococonut
- 4 tsp spinach puree
- Preheat oven to 350 for 10 minutes. Turn oven off.
- Combine coconut and spinach puree in a small bowl and mix to evenly coat.
- Spread out on a baking sheet and allow to dry for 10-15 minutes with the oven off. Mix every few minutes to help the drying process.
Notes: This can be used for any number of decorating ideas for easter or just about anything. Store unused coconut in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed bag for 1 week or freeze up to a month.
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