Picture a healthy skinny gluten free and dairy free Creamy Alfredo Sauce that’s super easy and ready in about 15 minutes. This nut free sauce also contains no extra oil, nutritional yeast or even coconut cream. Made from a simple potato.
How are you doing? Hanging in there for end of school? Didn’t that just creep up quickly? I swear May just started yesterday and POOF, it’s already almost mid-June. And the end of school craze has gotten to me. You know what I mean… There’s a special t-shirt day here, the end of the year field trip here, be sure to send money, last week of piano lessons, summer baseball is starting now…There is just so much to remember to do.
I love it but this year has just brought too many surprises in the last ‘lighting weeks’, as I call them.
As you know Mr. Naughty broke his arm at Lego Land of all places. He was in a splint and finally got his cast. He choose bright, burn your eyeballs ORANGE. Apparently, the morning of the appointment it was his new favorite color. One doctor appointment down and we dodged a huge bullet with the declaration that no surgery was needed! Whew…
So it seemed like smooth sailing from there, predictable doctors appointments and outcomes. (I’m a planner. Allergy moms just have to be.)
Do you ever have those days (or a week) of where nothing seems to go the way it should? Like, when you end up in the emergency room as the patient?
Uh huh…
First off, I just would like to say, I have wanted a mandoline for almost 12 years. I refrained from buying one out of fear for my fingertips. Until Sunday.
You can see where this is headed…
Slicing my first potato, caused problems. The potato started to break instead of being sliced. Clearly that would not make good photo right? So against my better judgement, I thought I’d tried just. one. slice without the guard.
And that’s all it took. I won’t get into the gory details (it’s a food blog after all) but part of my nail is no longer…and either is part of my right shift/enter finger. 😮

Photo of the madoline out of the box , me thinking steri strips would fix it, tetanus booster and bandage in the ER.
I was a super trooper mom who still made dinner and said goodnight to the boys before driving myself to the ER after my husband got home from work.
*sigh* Crazy how fast life gets you sometimes, isn’t it?
So much in fact it it has literally driven me to start drinking… (and I’m not embarrassed to say I stuffed a few brownies in my face too.) Lol, don’t worry, it’s nothing more than a glass of wine here and there. After a little too much fun combined with an excellent memory, I simply stopped drinking after college. One night of fun just wasn’t worth it. And the older you are the less you need to drink to reproduce those ‘fun’ nights.
But the silver lining to some of this???
I got carded.
Yep, I was actually asked to show my ID. And I was EXCITED. Pretty sure the last time that happened was at least 11 years ago. I was so flipping happy to hand over my ID I couldn’t contain my excitement. The cashier did a double taken before looking for my date of birth.
“Wow, I would have never guessed you were that old.”
😀 Music to my ears.
Just goes to show that such small thing can make you happy. Like an easy healthier dinner meal idea of a dairy free alfredo pasta. This ironically also uses potato (don’t worry no mandolins are involved). Just coarsely chop the potato and boil until tender, blend and toss with your favorite gluten free pasta.
Do you have any crazy knife or mandolin stories?
- 2 medium gold potatoes
- 1 cup milk of choice
- ½ tsp garlic powder
- ¼ tsp onion powder
- ½ tsp salt
- 1 box favorite penne pasta
- Prepare pasta according to directions on the box. Drain under cool water and set aside.
- Peel potato, chop and boil until fork tender. Drain excess water.
- In the same pot, use a hand stick blender until smoothly. Add milk, garlic, salt and onion powder.
- Mix with pasta and toss until coated evenly. Serve immediately.
Some other things you may like:
(Dairy Free) Light Bacon Mac N Cheese
Oh GOSH! You poor thing! Mandolins scare me too. I’m sorry you cut yourself! I just was contacted by a company that makes No Cry cutting gloves to try them out. I should send them your post!! 🙂
Lol, thanks Nicole! I SO could have used this information before testing the new sharp kitchen toy. 🙂
Thanks Nicole 🙂
Hey Laura,
Our common friend Nicole shared this blog post with me. Sorry to hear about your accident with the mandolin slicer. :S
I wish you a quick recovery! 🙂
Have you heard about the cut resistant kitchen gloves? They will keep your fingers protected next time when you want to use your new mandolin slicer. 🙂 See http://www.cutresistantgloves.org for more information about our cut resistant kitchen gloves. 🙂
founder of NoCry
Ha! Man, it sure would have been nice to know of your company BEFORE I opened the mandolin and save me a trip to the ER. Totally wishing I had a pair to keep the other 9 fingers safe! 😀
Better late than never. 🙂
Now that my kids are in middle school, the end of the school year was a breeze compared to elementary school! I am looking forward to summer vacation and I hope my kids keep busy enough to not drive each other crazy.
I wishing you all a fun and safe Summer too! Thanks so Tonia much!
OUCH! 🙁 I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sliced off a finger with the mandolin… it happens to the best of us. Just grab a huge plate of this awesome pasta and everything will be better!!
Aren’t you frightened of the mandolin? My husband promptly threw it away, with the potato still in it. I’m still in disbelief it really happened. And yes, comfort food makes things better. 🙂
UGH. What an exclamation point to the chaos of school ending – so sorry about your mandolin incident! I’m so intrigued by the use of potatoes in this recipe though – can’t wait to try it!
Aww, thanks Melanie! Chaos keep life interesting at least… the potatoes are the way to go for light and creamy!
This is amazing. It looks so creamy and delicious, so awesome that it is dairy free!
Thank you Kim! It’s also a lot healthier (less fat) without the cream. 🙂
Your poor finger! I am so sorry! I have cut myself on my mandolin too! It is awful.
On a happier note yay for getting carded and an even bigger yay to this pasta! Yummmm!!
Oh no, not you too! Those darn mandolins are evil…Thanks so Mariah!
Oh my goodness Laura!! You deserve that wine. And the brownies! My hubs got me a mandolin and one attempt of using it and being terrified it was promptly returned. I hope your finger heals quick!!
Aww, thanks Serene! I should have listen to my husband, he didn’t want me to buy it… I thought I would be fine. Famous last words 😉
Ouch – I hope your finger heals soon! I stabbed my finger while seeding an avocado a few years ago and against my better judgement went to my son’s concert that night instead of going to the emergency room. So glad you got it taken care of. Love how creamy and delicious this pasta looks! Best wishes for the rest of the school year..
Cuts are never fun to deal with… I went only because of fear of infection (and the kids were in bed) Thanks so much!
Poor Laura, wishing you a speedy recovery ?
would be great to catch up soon!
Yes! We really do need to talk soon! Thank you Mandy 🙂
Yikes, oh no. I’m so sorry you cut your finger 🙁 I’m afraid to use the mandolin too since I am a klutz and have sliced my finger a few times even without a mandolin. Hope you are healing up okay. Can’t believe how fast time is flying by too. Love this pasta. It looks so creamy and delicious!
Thanks so much Kelly! I’m doing much better, just careful using my hand. 🙂
hi Laura, thank you for this recipe. I don’t have an immersion hand blender, can I use my nutribullet you think?
Hi Rose, You can use anything to create a smooth puree. I only used the hand blender to reduce the amount of clean up. 😉
I have recntly decided to take hold of dinner time anf start cookimg healthier meals! I tried this tonight for dinner and ended up with runny mashed potatoes on our pasta 🙁 how do I make this more creamy like the photo and less like mashed potatoes???
Oooh no! That doesn’t sound good…My first thought is what type of potato are you using and how long did you cook them for? My second thought would be what type of machine did you use to purée? I used yukon gold potatoes cut into small pieces allowing them to release as much starch as possible during boiling. Maybe more cooking and puréeing are needed. I hope you can try this again!
This was fabulous. All I did differently was added some vegan butter, little more salt and minced garlic. This will be a regular sauce in my house now. Thank you!
Hi. New to dairy free …so why is there milk in the recipe? And I’ve also seen cheese in your recipes, isnt that dairy too?
I’m learning for my partner, who can no longer digest dairy…
Hi Dee, This recipe (like many of mine) are written “milk of choice”. This means a non-dairy based ‘milk’ can be used; almond, coconut, rice, hemp milks etc. It is written this way to help people understand a simple substitute of a ‘milk’ can make this recipe safe for them.
As for cheeses in other recipes, we are not allergic to dairy milk but are lactose intolerant. Hard cheeses we can usually eat without problems but not dairy milk.
Hope all that helps!